podcast, Psychology

Whole ass it! Stop pussy footing around your life and fucking get after it.

I just wrapped on episode 115 of the onlinestrengthcoach podcast.  A podcast that I think I will be rebranding under the cast iron strength brand although I will keep the back catalogue in the feed.  In the episode, I discussed a few of the things that are on the horizon for me how I was going to be moving into self-employment for the foreseeable future and how I was going to be me online and stop dancing around subjects or issues.

I’ve not been terribly guarded in my writing but there is always a little gnat at the back of my head second guessing if I can say that in a public forum or if it’s possible for me to say that thing and not piss off people in my life who I don’t really want to piss off.  Well those day are over when you read something or hear something from me in future let me just put this to you – “I won’t lie, I won’t pull any punches and I won’t hold back any information” you will get an honest appraisal of what I believe and how I believe it.  That’s not going to say I’m going to be correct because fuck me I get things wrong, I get things wrong every day but what I try and be is open and honest about this and always willing to readdress and issue when I am wrong.

What I can guarantee is I am going to piss people off and I am going to step on some toes but you can’t make and omelette without breaking a few eggs and I intend on smashing a few cartons.  I’m not going to troll anyone or just be annoying for the sake of it, I am not here to provide satire like Infinite Elingentensity what I am here to do is to provide a reality check a place where you know you can go and get information that isn’t biased or looking to make a buck by selling you something.

I will never take on sponsorship or partner with a service unless it is something that I believe in the fucking core of my being.  Which probably means I’m not going to be making a boat load of cash through affiliation because I don’t really believe in a lot of shit, Audible if you’re reading this right now hit me up!

You should hopefully be seeing a lot more of me in the coming weeks, months and years so I will move forward with the intention of this article.  Other than to be a letter of intention it’s also to try and speak to a few people who read this blog.

If you are currently in a state of flux in your life or you’re unsure of yourself on some aspects let me tell you something decide on a course and get stuck into it.  There have been two similar sorts of instances in my life where this has been the case one time I jumped the other time I was pushed.

  • In 2013 I was working at the University of Edinburgh and the Scottish Institute of sport. The way things panned out towards the back end of 2012 I was put in a position where I had to choose between a full-time salary with good security and reasonable pay in a role I didn’t really want or a part-time salary with little security that I wanted.  I choose the riskier option and what came out of that ultimately my online coaching business and the opportunity to do something I’ve always wanted to do which was work in professional rugby.
  • This year something similar happened my business was getting to the point where financially it made little to no sense to stay where I was on a full-time basis and looking to open LIFT gym in Edinburgh would have made full time work an untenable option. After having interviews, conversations and what, not the end result was I wasn’t offered a contract renewal as my skills were no longer complimentary to the S&C Team.  It was a bitter pill to swallow as I love every day I work with Edinburgh Rugby but life does what life does and it’s forced my hand into the decision I should have made myself.

I have no doubt that this next part of my life is going to be the most successful and most enjoyable having had the experience in 2013 there are so many positives to being your own man.  There are negatives and pitfalls I have learned form and intend to correct.  What I can say however is I am 100% sure both changes are for the better.

If your in a position where you are trying to decide on one course of action or another and what is holding you back is some perception of security or need.  Don’t let your brain fool you there is no such thing as security in life it doesn’t exist.  The only way you can be secure is to generate enough abundance to be able to have a cushion or diversify your income to shield you against uncertainty.  Yet we are all but one catastrophic event away from money and property being completely meaningless.

What I can say is find your passion and pursue it with every fibre of your being don’t get caught up by people trying to pull the wool over your eyes keeping you “grounded” or your feet in “reality”.  Your reality is your own and if you’re not happy with it take action to change it right now, don’t think fucking do it.





About Marc Keys

As a coach Marc's philosophy uses a minamilast approach that yields superior performance gains. Having worked as a coach for over 7 years providing support for athletes from over 30 sports (Olympic, Paralympic and commonwealth medallists) he has plenty of time to learn his craft.Marc currently works full time as a strength coach based in Edinburgh.A competitive power lifter for 5 years some carrer highlights include (2011 - British and Commonwealth Senior Champion, 2012 World Championship squad member for great britian and former holder of 3 British records). Marc Coaches strength and power sports in his spare time and continues to develop castironstrength.

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