I wrote a whole bunch of resources during the first lockdown to the point where I literally have a lockdown training E-book that I gave to my clients at the time. What I am wanting to do with this article and this series of options is to reduce it down to the most important fundamentals. I think where I went wrong or what I could have improved when I was writing these out last time was to not make it too technical and to not worry too much about making it into a periodized training block.
Blocks of training and time frames are amazing when you have certainty (or at least reasonable confidence) of when the next milestones of the program or competitions are going to be on the calendar. The situation we find ourselves in is not that for a lot of us we don’t even know with certainty what equipment is going to be available to us in the next month. Never mind what we should be training towards and how to progress it.
Training should be pragmatic first and foremost; it shouldn’t need the latest and greatest in racks, barbells, and machines for you to be able to progress. Sure that’s optimal but as we are all learning optimal is very much a nice to have and not a need to have. What I am going to do with this article which I am also going to be making into a resource for my clients and something I will drip feed onto social media is to, first of all, explain the basic thinking or principals behind it and then to lay out the scenarios and the options for those scenarios.

The most important training principle is to keep training
From the lockdown last time I would say this is by and far the most important thing is to keep your hand in doing something. It could literally just be getting in 10,000 steps a day and watching what you eat. If you do this and don’t do one bodyweight workout or do anything really other than keep reasonably active in terms of walking and don’t get too out of shape then you are going to be in a much better place when you start back up again then if you do nothing. Just being in reasonable aerobic shape (not even fit just not sedentary) is going to make coming back to a full training schedule way easier.
We had lots of different people doing lots different things during the lockdown march to june 2020 lock down, some were running and doing random workouts, some were following our zoom workouts, some had limited equipment and some had whole gym set ups. There was one learning point whenever people came back who had kept the habit up managed to hit PBs and get in good shape in the 4-6 months we had back to reasonably normal training.
You can do anything during lockdown but the most important thing is to keep doing something. Movement is the key. Walking, Running, Cycling, body weight workouts, kettlebells, barbells, it doesn’t matter. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7x per week it doesn’t matter. Just do what you can.

Variety and Enjoyment are probably the next most important thing at this stage
Normally in training or when we are training towards a goal or for performance some overload, monotony and stress is needed to push past previous performance levels. However that isn’t the case for most of us right now. Right now what the important thing to do is to keep your hand in and to keep training. To stick to the most important principle that is to keep training. If you don’t like running you don’t have to run in fact you shouldn’t run. If you like running you should run. That’s where we are at with training doing anything and staying active are by far the most important thing.
That’s why I will be laying out Menus or options based off what you have available to you. It is still important that your training still looks like what you are trying to train towards but it is FAR more important that you keep active and to make this more feasible it is very important that you enjoy your workouts and that they be set towards the minimum effective dose for the goal they are trying to help you work towards. I guess you could say we are all crossfitters now, the end times are here.

Your training should look something like what you want to work towards.
The first two principles will always outweigh this one in this scenario however if you are looking for a more optimal approach your training should be based around what you are going to want to achieve when you get back to normality or some semblance of normality. This means if you are a super heavyweight powerlifter you shouldn’t be jumping on the Joe Wicks hype train and then wondering why you have shin splints and sore knees, hip and back after 3-4 workouts. It is best to keep it as simple as possible an easy way to break it down is to put the workouts in the following categories
Strength – Your main goal here is to try and retain the skill or the physical properties you have developed during your training. I would recommend these are performed 1-2x per week.
Size – This is the most trainable and probably the best spend of your time during this period if your goal is to come back to barbell sports or to train for strength/size. I would recommend these are performed 2-4x per week.
Aerobic Conditioning – If you want to mix it up a bit but don’t want to be too tired afterward these are excellent options. If your training for a sport or just want to be in good shape you should be doing these kinds of workouts 1-3x per week depending on how demanding your end goal is for fitness. For example, lighter strongmen or cross-fitters should be conditioning more than a superheavy powerlifter.
Anaerobic conditioning – this is a high fatigue style of training that is really good for training specific fitness attributes you want to take advantage of in a game or competition scenario. It’s the top of the pyramid that strength, size, and aerobic training build. For us, as lifters, it can be good prep for certain kinds of competitions or it can be great for building our base. For the purpose of these workouts, these will be good options if you fancy feeling fucked afterwards. Feeling like you have worked really hard and the endorphin rush you get after is important for staying engaged in the training process. This should be a challenging workout 0-1x per week.

You should set your training frequency at the MINIMUM you can guarantee you will do
For me, this is very important in normal times never mind during a lockdown however it is even more important in a lockdown. If you decide no matter what you are going to do two workouts a week and manage to stick to it then it’s going to be much easier to slide back into normal training.
Alternatively, if you decide you are going to be super dedicated use this time to do 7x a week basics, rehab, and try to have an optimal lockdown, 3-4 weeks in you realise your motivation has gone to shit and end up doing fuck all because of overwhelm you aren’t going to be in a good place.
You need to commit to the absolute minimum you can get done every week regardless of what life throws at you and get it done not ifs, no buts.. Once you have made the commitment you stick to it. Like I said before, the content of these workouts isn’t really important, it’s keeping in the structure and keeping up the habit that is all important.
Decide on what the minimum you can stick to is and then stick to it come hell or high water.
The training menu
I have stolen this idea from big Ashley Jones my former boss at Edinburgh Ash is the eternal ideas man and he has come up with some great ways of packaging and making training more engaging and fun. One of his ideas for the gym program was setting it up as a restaurant menu where you would get your starters (warm-ups), Mains (main bulk of the session), and desert (top-ups or some fun stuff).
The whole idea being you have the most amount of choice for your starters, less choice on your main and if you do your main you get to have a lot of freedom during your deserts or afters.
I am going to steal this format and produce 5 menus, with 5 workout options for each of the 4 categories I have highlighted above.
Progressing the workouts –
Generally speaking it would be ideal if you can stick to the same pattern of workouts over a 3-5 weeks period and try to increase weight, reps, reduce rest times, get more work done in the time cap and to just generally progress. You should try and progress the workout for 3-5 weeks, when you feel like it is getting difficult to improve or your feeling noticeably more beat up and tired you should take a recovery week. For this kind of week you can choose from the recovery focused menu.
Lockdown 2.0 Electric Boogaloo Training Menu – I have no equipment (weighted backpack, towel, and hand weights i.e. tin can, filled water bottle).
Strength focused workouts
Work out 1 – Skipping 5 minutesIsometric Towel squat x 10 seconds s/s Jump squat x 3 for max height.Isometric towel press up x 10 sec s/s Clap press up x 3 for max heightIsometric towel deadlift x 10 sec s/s Broad jump x 3 for max distance3-5 minutes rest2-4 setsWhere you can measure distance or height |
Workout 2 – Bw squat – 3x10Pistol squat, skater squat or Heel drop – 3 sets to RPE 9 each legWeighted or deficit press up – 3 sets to RPE 9Chin up or inverted row (weighted if possible) – 3 sets to RPE 9Record total reps, try and add weight when you can do 12-15 reps easy, if you don’t have more reps just add more weight |
Workout 3 – Skipping 5 minutesIsometric towel squat x 10 sec s/s Pistol to Chair – each leg to RPE 9 Isometric towel press up x 10 sec s/s Weighted press up to RPE 9Chin up or Pull up to RPE 93-5 min rest2-4 setsAdd weight or reps where you can |
Work out 4 – Pulsing bw squat – 3×10 Weighted sissy squat or Spanish squat up to RPE 9Handstand push up or pike push up to RPE 9Inverted row or weighted inverted row to RPE 93-5 min rest3-5 setsAdd weight or reps where you can |
Work out 5 – Skipping 5 minutesIsometric Towel squat x 15 seconds s/s Repeat effort vertical jump x 5 for max height.Isometric towel press up x 10 sec s/s Repeat effort clap press up x 5 for max heightIsometric towel deadlift x 10 sec s/s Repeat effort broad jump x 3 for max distance3-5 minutes rest2-4 setsWhere you can measure distance or height |
Size focused workouts
Workout 1 – Total Body ABW squat w weighted backpack x 20 s/s Lunge pump to RPE 9 ELWeighted press up to RPE 9, drop to BW to REP 9Isometric towel deadlift x 20 sec s/s Hamstring walkouts to RPE 92-3 minutes rest3-6 setsAdd reps or weight where you can |
Workout 2 – Upper body A- Pike press up or Handstand press up to RPE 9 s/s Bag front raise x 15Isometric towel row x 20 sec s/s Inverted row up to RPE 9Isometric towel curl x 20 sec s/s Weighted bag concentration curl x 15Body weight tricep ext x 10 s/s Overhead bag ext x 15Hand Weight lat raise x 15 s/s Handweight Rev fly x 152-3 minutes rest3-6 setsAdd reps or weight where you can |
Workout 3 – Total Body BTempo prisoner squat w backpack (3-0-3) x 10 s/s Cyclist squat x 30Wide grip press up x 8 s/s Normal grip press up x 8 s/s Close grip press up x 8Single leg glute bridge w weighted bag x 15 EL s/s Nordic Drop to RPE 92-3 minutes rest3-6 setsAdd reps or weight where you can |
Workout 4 – Upper body B- Chin up to RPE 9Underhand inverted row to RPE 9 s/s Rev fly w hand weights x 15WG pull up to RPE 9Dips to RPE 9Bw bicep curl on TRX or Bar to RPE 92-3 minutes rest3-6 setsAdd reps or weight where you can |
Workout 5 – Total Body CBulgarian split squat w weighted bag x 15 EL s/s sissy squat x 20Weighted close grip press up to RPE 9, drop to BW to REP 9Isometric towel deadlift x 20 sec s/s Single leg deadlift w weighted bag x 10 EL2-3 minutes rest3-6 setsAdd reps or weight where you can |
Conditioning focused workouts
Workout 1 – Aerobic AAir squat x 15Burpee x 5Mountain climbers x 15Sit up x 5Jumping Jack x 15Sit to stand x 5Choose – 20, 30 or 40 minute time capShould be able to talk or hold conversation during workout, record total rounds done |
Workout 2 – Anaerobic ABurpee x 21 / Press up x 21 / Air squat x 21Burpee x 15 / Press up x 15 / Air squat x 15Burpee x 7 / Press up x 7 / Air squat x 7As quick as you can, 5 minutes rest – 2 sets. Time to completion recorded |
Workout 3 – Aerobic B400 m jogAir squat x 10Down up x 5Choose – 20, 30 or 40 minute time capShould be able to talk or hold conversation during workout, record total rounds done |
Workout 4 – Anaerobic B100 burpeesAs quick as you can. Time to completion recorded |
Workout 5 – Aerobic CRun, row, swim, or bike 4 minutes at hard pace 80-85% Max HRRest 2 minutes static4 roundsRecord distance covered, calories burned, power output and try and improve output session to session |

Lockdown 2.0 Electric Boogaloo Training Menu – I have some dumbbells and maybe a kettlebell
Strength focused workouts
Work out 1 – Skipping 5 minutesIsometric Towel squat x 10 seconds s/s Weighted Jump squat x 3 for max height.Weighted press up x 10 s/s Clap press up x 3 for max heightKB or DB Swing x 15 s/s Broad jump x 3 for max distance3-5 minutes rest2-4 setsWhere you can measure distance or height |
Workout 2 – Bw squat – 3x10Weighted Pistol squat, skater squat or Heel drop – 3 sets to RPE 9 each legWeighted or deficit press up – 3 sets to RPE 9Chin up or inverted row (weighted if possible) – 3 sets to RPE 9Record total reps, try and add weight when you can do 12-15 reps easy, if you don’t have more reps just add more weight |
Workout 3 – Skipping 5 minutesBulgarian split squat up to RPE 9 ELSingle leg deadlift up to RPE 9 ELOne arm Shoulder press up to RPE 9 Each sideWeighted Chin up or Pull up to RPE 93-5 min rest2-4 setsAdd weight or reps where you can |
Work out 4 – Pulsing bw squat – 3×10 Weighted sissy squat or Spanish x 15 drop set to weighted split squat to RPE 9 each leg.Handstand push up or pike push up to RPE 9 Weighted spilt stance RDL or Good morning drop set to single leg deadlift – 10 each leg then push to RPE 9 on the drop set.Inverted row or weighted inverted row to RPE 93-5 min rest3-5 setsAdd weight or reps where you can |
Work out 5 – Skipping 5 minutesHeel drop or pistol squat to box to RPE 9 each leg s/s Weighted jump squat x 5Swing x 20 s/s Broad jump for distance x 3Weighted press up x 10 s/s Clap press up x 5Weighted Chin up or Pull up to RPE 93-5 min rest2-4 setsAdd weight or reps where you can |
Size focused workouts
Workout 1 – Total Body AGoblet squat – 50 reps in as little time as possible 2 min break Weighted press up – 50 reps in as little time as possible2 min breakKB or DB Swing – 50 reps in as little time as possible2 min breakInverted row or DB/KB row is heavy enough – 50 reps in as little time as possible 2 min break45 minute time cap – goal is to get through as many reps as you can, it’s not cardio however so keep form good and keep the work on the muscle |
Workout 2 – Upper body A- Chin up OR Pull up to RPE 9 – add weight – 2-4 rep range Pike press up or Handstand press up – 4-6 rep range Front Raise and Lat raise x 10DB Row and Rev fly x 10Curl s/s Overhead ext x 10 Chin up OR Pull up to RPE 9 – 6-10 rep range Pike press up or Handstand press up – 6-10 rep range2-4 minutes rest3-5 sets |
Workout 3 – Total Body BBulgarian split squat – 20 reps each leg 90 sec rest Close grip weighted press up – 20 reps (take weight off to finish if needed)90 sec restSingle leg deadlift – 20 reps each leg90 sec restSingle arm row – 20 reps each arm90 second rest5 sets. |
Workout 4 – Upper body B- Chin up OR Pull up to RPE 9 Pike press up or Handstand press up to RPE 9 Rev fly s/s Concentration curl x 15Upright row s/s Lat raise x 15Front raise s/s Overhead ext x 102-4 minutes rest3-5 sets |
Workout 5 – Total Body CGoblet squat – 200 reps Weighted press up – 200 repsKB or DB Swing – 200 repsInverted row or DB/KB row is heavy enough – 200 repsGet through the work as quickly as you can, rest as needed time your effort |
Conditioning focused workouts
Workout 1 – Aerobic ASwing x 20KB or DB Snatch x 10 EATurkish get up x 3 EAAs many reps as possibleChoose – 20, 30 or 40 minute time capShould be able to talk or hold conversation during workout, record total rounds done |
Workout 2 – Anaerobic AKB or DB Thruster x 21 / Swing x 21 / Over KB or DB Burpee x 21KB or DB Thruster x 15 / Swing x 15 / Over KB or DB Burpee x 15KB or DB Thruster x 7 / Swing x 7 / Over KB or DB Burpee x 7As quick as you can, 5 minutes rest – 2 sets. Time to completion recorded |
Workout 3 – Aerobic B400 m jogThruster x 10DB or KB Snatch x 5 EAChoose – 20, 30 or 40 minute time capShould be able to talk or hold conversation during workout, record total rounds done |
Workout 4 – Anaerobic BKB or DB Swing x 150DB or KB Floor to overhead x 100Burpee x 50As quick as you can. Time to completion recorded |
Workout 5 – Aerobic CRun, row, swim, or bike 4 minutes at hard pace 80-85% Max HRRest 2 minutes static4 roundsRecord distance covered, calories burned, power output and try and improve output session to session |

Lockdown 2.0 Electric Boogaloo Training Menu – I have a barbell and some weights (but not lots)
Strength focused workouts
Work out 1 – Skipping 5 minutesFront Squat x 10 s/s Weighted squat jump x 5High pull x 10 s/s Broad jump x 3 Barbell floor to overhead x 10Pendlay row x 103-5 minutes rest2-4 setsWhere you can add weight, track RPE, measure distance or height and try progress |
Workout 2 – Bw squat – 3x10Front Squat rack Bulgarian split squat – 3 sets 8-12 @ RPE 9 – 3 min rest between setsFloor press or weighted press up – 3 sets 8-12 @ RPE 9 – 3 min rest between setsSnatch grip tempo deadlift (3-0-3) – 3 sets 8-12 @ RPE 9 – 3 min rest between setsChin up or inverted row (weighted if possible) – 3 sets to RPE 9 – 3 min rest between setsRecord weight, when you can do 3×12 with a weight < RPE 9 up the weightIf you can’t do at least 3×8 with a weight < RPE 9 lower the weight |
Workout 3 – Skipping 5 minutesCyclist front squat up to RPE 8Good morning to RPE 8Bradford press up to RPE 8Weighted Chin up or Pull up to RPE 83-5 min rest2-4 setsAdd weight or reps where you can, if your doing more than 12 reps per exercise then add more weight or choose a harder exercise variation |
Work out 4 – Reverse overhead lunge – 3 sets 8-12 @ RPE 9 – 3 min rest between setsBar floor to overhead one motion – 3 sets 8-12 @ RPE 9 – 3 min rest between setsBarbell high pull – 3 sets 8-12 @ RPE 9 – 3 min rest between setsPendlay, yates or meadows row – 3 sets to RPE 9 – 3 min rest between setsRecord weight, when you can do 3×12 with a weight < RPE 9 up the weightIf you can’t do at least 3×8 with a weight < RPE 9 lower the weight |
Work out 5 – Skipping 5 minutesTempo squat (3-0-3) x 8 @ RPE 8Floor press x 8-12 @ RPE 8Tempo Conv or Sumo DL (3-03) x 8-12 @ RPE 83-5 min rest3-6 sets. |
Size focused workouts
Workout 1 – Total Body AUsing 20-25 RMCyclist squat x 15Shoulder press x 15RDL x 15High pull x 15Barbell curl x 15JM press x 1590 seconds rest4-6 sets |
Workout 2 – Upper body A- Chin up OR Pull up to RPE 9 – add weight – 6-8 reps Weighted press up to RPE 9 – add weight – 6-8 reps Barbell upright row and Front raise x 10BB curl s/s Dips x 102-3 minutes rest3-5 sets |
Workout 3 – Total Body BBarbell Bulgarian split squat – 10 reps each leg 90 sec rest Floor press – 10 reps90 sec restSplit stance RDL – 10 reps90 sec restPendlay Row – 10 reps90 second rest5 sets.RPE 8-9 for each set, if it goes to RPE 9-10 take weight down for next set |
Workout 4 – Upper body B- Chin up OR Pull up to RPE 9 – 10-12 reps Barbell shoulder press up to RPE 9 – 10-12 reps Close grip press up to RPE 9 – 10-12 repsYates row up to RPE 9 – 10-12 repsBarbell curl x 21s (7 bottom, 7 top, 7 full) to RPE 9+ Skull crusher or Overhead ext x 21s (7 bottom, 7 top, 7 full) to RPE 9+2-4 minutes rest3-5 sets |
Workout 5 – Total Body CUsing 12-15 RMFront Squat x 10Shoulder press x 10Snatch grip RDL x 10Cheart shrug x 10Reverse curl x 10Plate overhead ext x 10120 seconds rest4-6 sets |
Conditioning focused workouts
Workout 1 – Aerobic A6x deadlift6x high pull6x front squat6x push press6x thruster6x bent over row400m run6 lapsRecord time to completionShould be able to talk or hold conversation during workout, record total rounds done |
Workout 2 – Anaerobic ABB Thruster x 21 / Deadlift x 21 / Over Bar Burpee x 21BB Thruster x 15 / Deadlift x 15 / Over Bar Burpee x 15BB Thruster x 7 / Deadlift x 7 / Over Bar Burpee x 7As quick as you can, 5 minutes rest – 2 sets. Time to completion recorded |
Workout 3 – Aerobic BDeadlift x 10Front Squat x 10Push press x 10Pendlay row x 102 minute shuttle run – 0 – 20 meters – 0 – 40 meters – 0 – 60 metersChoose – 25, 35 or 45 minute time capShould be able to talk or hold conversation during workout, record total rounds done |
Workout 4 – Anaerobic BBarbell Floor to over head – 30 reps as fast as you can (30 / 40 / 50 / 60kg option)5 min restX 2-4 setsAs quick as you can. Time to completion recorded |
Workout 5 – Aerobic CRun, row, swim, or bike 4 minutes at hard pace 80-85% Max HRRest 2 minutes static4 roundsRecord distance covered, calories burned, power output and try and improve output session to session |

Lockdown 2.0 Electric Boogaloo Training Menu – I have a decent home gym
Strength focused workouts
Work out 1 – Prehab routine or Agile 8 (10 min)Squat – 5 sets 3 reps @ RPE 8 – 4 min rest between setsBench press – 5 sets 3 reps @ RPE 8 – 4 min rest between setsDeadlift – 5 sets 3 reps @ RPE 8 – 4 min rest between setsTrack weight and RPE when you stall change exercises and take a deload 1-2 weeks |
Workout 2 – Prehab routine or Agile 8 (10 min)Strict Press – 5 sets 5 reps @ RPE 8 – 3 min rest between setsChin up – 5 sets 5 reps @ RPE 8 – 3 min rest between setsPendlay Row – 5 sets 5 reps @ RPE 8 – 3 min rest between setsTrack weight and RPE when you stall change exercises and take a deload 1-2 weeks |
Workout 3 – Prehab routine or Agile 8 (10 min)Pause Squat – 4 sets 4 reps @ RPE 8 – 4 min rest between setsPause Bench press – 4 sets 4 reps @ RPE 8 – 4 min rest between setsPause Deadlift – 4 sets 4 reps @ RPE 8 – 4 min rest between setsTrack weight and RPE when you stall change exercises and take a deload 1-2 weeks |
Work out 4 – Prehab routine or Agile 8 (10 min)Push Press – 5 sets 5 reps @ RPE 8 – 3 min rest between setsWG Pull up – 5 sets 5 reps @ RPE 8 – 3 min rest between setsYates Row – 5 sets 5 reps @ RPE 8 – 3 min rest between setsTrack weight and RPE when you stall change exercises and take a deload 1-2 weeks |
Work out 5 – Prehab routine or Agile 8 (10 min)Front or High bar Squat – 3 sets 8 reps @ RPE 8 – 4 min rest between setsClose grip or Incline bench press – 3 sets 8 reps @ RPE 8 – 4 min rest between setsRDL or SG Tempo Deadlift (3-0-3) – 3 sets 8 reps @ RPE 8 – 4 min rest between setsTrack weight and RPE when you stall change exercises and take a deload 1-2 weeks3-6 sets. |
Size focused workouts
Workout 1 – Total Body AHigh bar squat – 3×8-12 reps @ RPE 9 / 3 min rest between setsFeet up bench press – 3×8-12 @ RPE 9 / 3 min rest between setsRDL – 3×8-12 @ RPE 8 / 3 min rest between setsBarbell row – 3×8-12 @ RPE 8 / 3 min rest between setsTrack weight and RPE when you stall change exercises and take a deload 1-2 weeks |
Workout 2 – Upper body A aim for RPE 8-9 – Bradford press x 10 – 3 sets / 2 min rest between setsChin up OR Pull up x 8-10 – 3 sets / 2 min rest between setsIncline bench press x 10 – 3 sets / 2 min rest between setsYates Row – x 8-10 – 3 sets / 2 min rest between setsBB curl s/s Lat Raise x 10-15 – 3 sets / 2 min rest between setsTrack weight and RPE when you stall change exercises and take a deload 1-2 weeks |
Workout 3 – Total Body BFront or cyclist squat – 3×20-25 reps @ RPE 8-9 / 3 min rest between setsFloor press – 3×20-25 @ RPE 9 / 3 min rest between setsSwing or Single leg DL – 3×20-25 @ RPE 9 / 3 min rest between setsSingle arm row or Meadows row – 3×20-25 @ RPE 9 / 3 min rest between sets Track weight and RPE when you stall change exercises and take a deload 1-2 weeks |
Workout 4 – Upper body B- Shoulder press s/s Chin up – 6×6 – 2 min rest – RPE 7-8Weighted press up s/s Inverted row – 5×8 – 2 min rest – RPE 7-8Incline bench press s/s Pull over or chest supported row – 4×10 – 2 min rest – RPE 7-8BB Curl s/s Overhead ext – 3×25 – 2 min rest – RPE 9-10Track weight and RPE when you stall change exercises and take a deload 1-2 weeks |
Workout 5 – Total Body CConstant tension squat – 5×8 reps @ RPE 8 / 2 min rest between setsClose grip bench press – 5×8 @ RPE 8 / 3 min rest between setsGood morning – 5×8 @ RPE 8 / 3 min rest between setsPendlay row – 5×8 @ RPE 8 / 3 min rest between sets Track weight and RPE when you stall change exercises and take a deload 1-2 weeks |
Conditioning focused workouts
Workout 1 – Aerobic A6x deadlift6x high pull6x front squat6x push press6x thruster6x bent over row400m run6 lapsRecord time to completionShould be able to talk or hold conversation during workout, record total rounds done |
Workout 2 – Anaerobic ABB Thruster x 21 / Deadlift x 21 / Over Bar Burpee x 21BB Thruster x 15 / Deadlift x 15 / Over Bar Burpee x 15BB Thruster x 7 / Deadlift x 7 / Over Bar Burpee x 7As quick as you can, 5 minutes rest – 2 sets. Time to completion recorded |
Workout 3 – Aerobic BDeadlift x 10Front Squat x 10Push press x 10Pendlay row x 102 minute shuttle run – 0 – 20 meters – 0 – 40 meters – 0 – 60 metersChoose – 25, 35 or 45 minute time capShould be able to talk or hold conversation during workout, record total rounds done |
Workout 4 – Anaerobic BBarbell Floor to over head – 30 reps as fast as you can (30 / 40 / 50 / 60kg option)5 min restX 2-4 setsAs quick as you can. Time to completion recorded |
Workout 5 – Aerobic CRun, row, swim, or bike 4 minutes at hard pace 80-85% Max HRRest 2 minutes static4 roundsRecord distance covered, calories burned, power output and try and improve output session to session |