Personal training and strength and conditioning can be hugely rewarding and fulfilling jobs and as such, they attract a lot of people who want to get into the business. If you're looking for just...
The fitness industry, strength and conditioning, sports science and nutrition industry are funny places they straddle science and bullshit almost like no other field or industry. On one side we have those who are...
The majority of this article is inspired by the frankly excellent book Peak by Anders Ericsson whose body of work is in skill learning and the achievement of expert status or mastery. A lot...
1 The intellectual meathead.Lifting is a verb and verbs by definition are doing words, Rene Descartes is famous for his quote “I think therefore I am” which in a philosophy is a perfectly valid...
1 - They got their weekend certification 2 weeks ago.
Personal training and to a lesser but saddeningly increasing degree "strength and conditioning" are industries and not professions (I have Ashley Jones to thank for...