I’ve been having a bit of a change of heart recently regarding some of the programming that I usually follow. I would normally advocate a pretty open ended approach that allowed a lifter to train pretty much by feel on a given session but set some guide lines so it doesn’t end up into a free for all or a 7x a week curl programme. However my deadlift has been stalled out for pretty much 2 years (went from a 260kg pull done in 2010 to a 285kg pull done this year). So I decided to take the decision out of my own hands and jump on a cookie cutter programme.
I have been following the Ed Coan Phillipi 10 week deadlift routine which a pretty simple programme that over 10 weeks takes you from a to b using some simple linear progressions in volume and weight. I always looked at the programme an thought that doesn’t look too fiesable, but a mixture of good reviews and frustration with my own progression lead me to just give it a whirl.
I am currently on week 7 of the programme and even though I haven’t pulled any PBs yet (that is due for the next 3 weeks) I have pulled 260kg x 3 and 247.5 kg x 5 which are equal PBs which is the best I have pulled in a long while and given the fact I am 10-12kg lighter than when I pulled my heaviest deadlifts I’m reasonably pleased with the progression.
Linear Progressions and the Bench Press
Trying this kind of lifting got me thinking maybe I could try a very similar approach for my bench press and if it where to get that ticking over I would be pretty much sure that it was a good approach for me as a lifter so I designed a pretty simple progression.