If I look at anything that I have done well or that has been a success in my reasonably short tenure on this planet it has been the things, I have stuck with through...
I’m what you might refer to as a self made man in the gym pretty much for 90% of my 12 year lifting life I have written my own programmes and devised my own...
When we talk about strength training it gets easy to get sucked into one of the many cults that exist here are a few of those prestigious religious institutions - The fat man cult...
Happy new year one and all and with the new year will come the usuall raft of well wishers who want to shape up after the festive spurging. Welcome to 2 months of...
We can talk all day about science, rational thinking, physiology et al what ever floats your boat, hell I love it. One of my favorite things is to either delve into some real...
In the last installment of this blog we looked at abdominal training and possible progressions for flextion and extension around the hip in this second installment we will be taking a look at rotation...
Shit son dat dere celltech just don gimmie dem jacked adominal f!braz.Abdominal or core training is one of the predominant schools of thought in the physically training subculture. From pilates, swiss ball centred...